Netgear WPN824v2

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Netgear WPN824 v2

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Foxconn U12H050

FCC approval date: 03 November 2005
Country of manuf.: China

Local image
Netgear WPN824N-01.jpg

Type: wireless router

FCC ID: PY305300021
IC ID: 4054A-05300021

Power: 12 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Atheros AR2316A
FLA1: 2 MiB2,097,152 B <br />16,384 Kib <br />2,048 KiB <br />16 Mib <br />0.00195 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX25L1605AMC-15G)
RAM1: 16 MiB16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br /> (Samsung K4S281632F-UC75)

Expansion IFs: none specified
JTAG: yes, pinout marked, test points
Serial: yes, internal, 12-pin header, unpopulated, 3.3V TTL, (9600 8N1)

WI1 chip1: Atheros AR2316A
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bg
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL

ETH chip1: Atheros AR2316A
Switch: Marvell 88E6060
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 100M
WAN ports: 1


Stock FW OS: VxWorks 5.4.2

Default SSID: NETGEAR (44 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1303 additional devices
of which 106 are Netgear devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: password
admin:password credentials used by 422 additional devices
of which 303 are Netgear devices

Netgear WPN802v2PY305300021

For a list of all currently documented Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Atheros.

RangeMax Wireless Router

Product page
  • Manuf. by Foxconn / Hon Hai / Ambit, model U12H050

Uses a smart antenna ('BeamFlex') system licenced from Video54 (now Ruckus Wireless).

See SmallNetBuilder (below) for more information

This model has a switch to turn off the blue LED sphere on top of the device.




Serial Pinouts

    (GND) (RxD) ( • ) (TxD) ( • )
JP1 ( • ) ( • ) ( • ) ( • ) ( • )

Console login credentials

Info is per this this DSLReports thread..

Username: Gearguy
Password: Geardog

Info derived from

 • boot log
ar531xPlus rev 0x00000087 firmware startup...

Netgear WPN824v2 version

Attaching to TFFS... done.
Loading /fl/APIMG1...
Decompressing... \  OK.
Starting at 0x80010000...

/fl/  - Volume is OK
Reading Configuration File "/fl/apcfg".
Configuration file checksum: 45d4b is good
v54_antinfo_init: 824v2: using max 3 of 7 = 63 states
v54_hwantctrl_init: 2316
Pinot+ Adaptive Control Algorithm, Copyright (C) 2003-2005, 
 Video54 Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Attaching interface lo0...done

Adding 7498 symbols for standalone.
call usrAcosPPTPClientInit!
acosPPTPClientLibInit(): PPTP-v1.1.0, INIT OK!
-> wireless access point starting...
wlan0 Ready
DNS redirect INIT
in abRegisterInputHook inputPktHook: 800ccf08
Calling dnsRedirect_hookAdd
!Nat_PPTP_Initialize is called
Info: No FWPT default policies.
DHCPS: init dhcps: devname=mirror0
DHCPS:Set the default Lease Time to 86400
Login: POT has reached the max value.
 • initial console help
U12H05000> ?

Commands are:

bridge         ddns           exit           ftpc           ip
lan            nat            passwd         pot            reboot
save           show           sntp           time           uptime
version        wan            web            windsh         wla

 '..'    return to previous directory
 • VxWorks shell help
-> help

help                           Print this list
ioHelp                         Print I/O utilities help info
dbgHelp                        Print debugger help info
nfsHelp                        Print nfs help info
netHelp                        Print network help info
spyHelp                        Print task histogrammer help info
timexHelp                      Print execution timer help info
h         [n]                  Print (or set) shell history
i         [task]               Summary of tasks' TCBs
ti        task                 Complete info on TCB for task
sp        adr,args...          Spawn a task, pri=100, opt=0, stk=20000
taskSpawn name,pri,opt,stk,adr,args... Spawn a task
td        task                 Delete a task
ts        task                 Suspend a task
tr        task                 Resume a task
d         [adr[,nunits[,width]]] Display memory
m         adr[,width]          Modify memory
mRegs     [reg[,task]]         Modify a task's registers interactively
pc        [task]               Return task's program counter

Type <CR> to continue, Q<CR> to stop:

iam       "user"[,"passwd"]     Set user name and passwd
whoami                         Print user name
devs                           List devices
ld        [syms[,noAbort][,"name"]] Load stdin, or file, into memory
                               (syms = add symbols to table:
                               -1 = none, 0 = globals, 1 = all)
lkup      ["substr"]         List symbols in system symbol table
lkAddr    address              List symbol table entries near address
checkStack  [task]             List task stack sizes and usage
printErrno  value              Print the name of a status value
period    secs,adr,args... Spawn task to call function periodically
repeat    n,adr,args...    Spawn task to call function n times (0=forever)
version                        Print VxWorks version info, and boot line

NOTE:  Arguments specifying 'task' can be either task ID or name.

value = 1 = 0x1
 • VxWorks version info
-> version
VxWorks (for Netgear WPN824v2) version VxWorks 5.4.2.
Kernel: WIND version 2.5.
Made on Jan 13 2006, 13:50:55.
 • Atheros AP software info
U12H05000> wla

Atheros Access Point Rev
AP software
wlan0 -> ?
List of Access Point CLI commands:
 add remoteWbr                      -- Add a remote Wireless Bridge
 config wlan                        -- config wlanX
 connect bss                        -- connect to bssX
 del acl                            -- Delete Access Control List
 del key                            -- Delete Encryption key
 del remoteWbr                      -- Delete a remote Wireless Bridge
 find bss                           -- Find BSS
 find channel                       -- Find Available Channel
 find all                           -- Find All BSS
 format                             -- Format flash filesytem
 bootrom                            -- Update boot rom image
 ftp                                -- Software update via FTP
 get 11gonly                        -- Display 11g Only Allowed
 get 11goptimize                    -- Display 11g Optimization Level
 get 11goverlapbss                  -- Display Overlapping BSS Protection
 get abolt                          --
 get acl                            -- Display Access Control List
 get aging                          -- Display Aging Interval
 get antenna                        -- Display Antenna Diversity
 get association                    -- Display Association Table
 get authentication                 -- Display Authentication Type
 get autochannelselect              -- Display Auto Channel Select
 get beaconinterval                 -- Display Beacon Interval
 get burstSeqThreshold              -- Display Max Number of frames in a Burst
 get burstTime                      -- Display Burst Time
 get cacheperf                      -- Display the cache performance counters
 get calibration                    -- Display Noise And Offset Calibration Mode
 get cckTrigHigh                    -- Display Higher Trigger Threshold for CCK Phy Errors for ANI Control
 get cckTrigLow                     -- Display Lower Trigger Threshold for CCK Phy Errors for ANI Control
 get cckWeakSigThr                  -- Display ANI Parameter for CCK Weak Signal Detection Threshold
 get channel                        -- Display Radio Channel
 get cipher                         -- Display Encryption cipher
 get config                         -- Display Current AP Configuration
 get countrycode                    -- Display Country Code
 get ctsmode                        -- Display CTS mode
 get ctsrate                        -- Display CTS rate
 get ctstype                        -- Display CTS type
 get domainsuffix                   -- Display Domain Name Server suffix
 get dtim                           -- Display Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)
 get enableANI                      -- Display Adaptive Noise Immunity Control On/Off
 get encryption                     -- Display Encryption Mode
 get extendedchanmode               -- Display Extended Channel Mode
 get firStepLvl                     -- Display ANI Parameter for FirStepLevel
 get fragmentthreshold              -- Display Fragment Threshold
 get frequency                      -- Display Radio Frequency (MHz)
 get gateway                        -- Display Gateway IP Address
 get groupkeyupdate                 -- Display Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)
 get hardware                       -- Display Hardware Revisions
 get hostipaddr                     -- Display Host IP Address
 get ipaddr                         -- Display IP Address
 get ipmask                         -- Display IP Subnet Mask
 get jsw                            -- Display Jumpstart Mode
 get jsP2PassPhrase                 -- Display JS-P2 passphrase
 get key                            -- Display Encryption Key
 get keyentrymethod                 -- Display Encyrption Key Entry Method
 get keysource                      -- Display Source Of Encryption Keys
 get login                          -- Display Login User Name
 get minimumrate                    -- Display Minimum Rate
 get nameaddr                       -- Display IP address of name server
 get noiseImmunityLvl               -- Display ANI Parameter for Noise Immunity Level
 get ofdmTrigHigh                   -- Display Higher Trigger Threshold for OFDM Phy Errors for ANI Control
 get ofdmTrigLow                    -- Display Lower Trigger Threshold for OFDM Phy Errors for ANI Control
 get ofdmWeakSigDet                 -- Display ANI Parameter for OFDM Weak Signal Detection
 get operationMode                  -- Display Operation Mode
 get pktLogEnable                   -- Display Packet Logging Mode
 get power                          -- Display Transmit Power Setting
 get radiusname                     -- Display RADIUS server name or IP address
 get radiusport                     -- Display RADIUS port number
 get rate                           -- Display Data Rate
 get reg                            -- Display the register contents at the given offset
 get remoteAp                       -- Display Remote Ap's Mac Address
 get reset                          -- Display # of resets
 get remoteWbr                      -- Display configured Remote Wireless bridges
 get hwtxretries                    -- Display HW Transmit Retry Limit
 get swtxretries                    -- Display SW Transmit Retry Limit
 get rtsthreshold                   -- Display RTS/CTS Threshold
 get shortpreamble                  -- Display Short Preamble Usage
 get shortslottime                  -- Display Short Slot Time Usage
 get softwareretry                  -- Display Software Retry
 get ssid                           -- Display Service Set ID
 get ssidsuppress                   -- Display SSID Suppress Mode
 get station                        -- Display Station Status
 get SuperG                         -- Display SuperG Feature Status
 get systemname                     -- Display Access Point System Name
 get updateparam                    -- Display Vendor Default Firmware Update Params
 get uptime                         -- Display UpTime
 get vlan                           -- Display VLAN Mode
 get watchdog                       -- Display Watchdog Mode
 get wds                            -- Display WDS Mode
 get wirelessmode                   -- Display Wireless LAN Mode
 get wmm                            -- Display WMM Mode
 get wmmParamBss                    -- Display WMM parameters used by STA in this BSS
 get wmmParam                       -- Display WMM parameters used by this AP
 get wlanstate                      -- Display wlan state
 get xrpoll                         -- Display XR poll
 get xrbss                          -- Display XR Bss Info
 get xrFragmentThreshold            -- Display XR fragment threshold
 help                               -- Display CLI Command List
 ping                               -- Ping
 pktLog                             -- Packet Log
 reboot                             -- Reboot Access Point
 run                                -- Run command file
 quit                               -- Logoff
 exit                               -- Logoff
 set 11gonly                        -- Set 11g Only Allowed
 set 11goptimize                    -- Set 11g Optimization Level
 set 11goverlapbss                  -- Set Overlapping BSS Protection
 set acl                            -- Set Access Control List
 set aging                          -- Set Aging Interval
 set antenna                        -- Set Antenna
 set authentication                 -- Set Authentication Type
 set autochannelselect              -- Set Auto Channel Selection
 set beaconinterval                 -- Modify Beacon Interval
 set burstSeqThreshold              -- Set Max Number of frames in a Burst
 set burstTime                      -- Set Burst Time
 set cachePerf                      -- Begin cache performance monitoring
 set calibration                    -- Set Calibration Period
 set channel                        -- Set Radio Channel
 set cipher                         -- Set Cipher
 set countrycode                    -- Set Country Code
 set ctsmode                        -- Set CTS Mode
 set ctsrate                        -- Set CTS Rate
 set ctstype                        -- Set CTS Type
 set domainsuffix                   -- Set Domain Name Server Suffix
 set dtim                           -- Set Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)
 set enableANI                      -- Turn Adaptive Noise Immunity Control On/Off
 set encryption                     -- Set Encryption Mode
 set extendedchanmode               -- Set Extended Channel Mode
 set factorydefault                 -- Restore to Default Factory Settings
 set firStepLvl                     -- Set ANI Parameter for FirStepLevel
 set fragmentthreshold              -- Set Fragment Threshold
 set frequency                      -- Set Radio Frequency (MHz)
 set gateway                        -- Set Gateway IP Address
 set groupkeyupdate                 -- Set Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)
 set hostipaddr                     -- Set Host IP address
 set ipaddr                         -- Set IP Address
 set ipmask                         -- Set IP Subnet Mask
 set jsw                            -- Set Jumpstart Mode
 set jsp2Passwd                     -- Set JS-P2 password
 set key                            -- Set Encryption Key
 set keyentrymethod                 -- Select Encryption Key Entry Method
 set keysource                      -- Select Source Of Encryption Keys
 set login                          -- Modify Login User Name
 set minimumrate                    -- Set Minimum Rate
 set nameaddress                    -- Set Name Server IP address
 set noiseImmunityLvl               -- Set ANI Parameter for Noise Immunity Level
 set ofdmTrigHigh                   -- Set Higher Trigger Threshold for OFDM Phy Errors for ANI Control
 set ofdmTrigLow                    -- Set Lower Trigger Threshold for OFDM Phy Errors for ANI Control
 set ofdmWeakSigDet                 -- Set ANI Parameter for OFDM Weak Signal Detection
 set operationMode                  -- Set operation Mode
 set password                       -- Modify Password
 set passphrase                     -- Modify Passphrase
 set pktLogEnable                   -- Enable Packet Logging
 set power                          -- Set Transmit Power
 set radiusname                     -- Set RADIUS name or IP address
 set radiusport                     -- Set RADIUS port number
 set radiussecret                   -- Set RADIUS shared secret
 set rate                           -- Set Data Rate
 set reg                            -- Set Register Value
 set remoteAP                       -- Set Remote AP's Mac Address
 set hwtxretries                    -- Set HW Transmit Retry Limit
 set swtxretries                    -- Set SW Transmit Retry Limit
 set rtsthreshold                   -- Set RTS/CTS Threshold
 set shortpreamble                  -- Set Short Preamble
 set shortslottime                  -- Set Short Slot Time
 set softwareretry                  -- Set Software Retry
 set ssid                           -- Set Service Set ID
 set ssidsuppress                   -- Set SSID Suppress Mode
 set SuperG                         -- Super G Features
 set systemname                     -- Set Access Point System Name
 set updateparam                    -- Set Vendor Default Firmware Update Params
 set vlan                           -- Set VLAN Mode
 set watchdog                       -- Set Watchdog Mode
 set wds                            -- Set WDS Mode
 set wlanstate                      -- Set wlan state
 set wirelessmode                   -- Set Wireless LAN Mode
 set wmm                            -- Set WMM Mode
 set wmmParamBss                    -- Set WMM parameters used by STAs in this BSS
 set wmmParam                       -- Set WMM parameters used by this AP
 set xr                             -- Set XR
 v54 phy                            -- Print Phy error stats
 v54 queue                          -- Video54 Queuing Debug Info
 v54 reset                          -- Reset V54 TxCtrl State
 v54 staticant                      -- Configure a static antenna
 version                            -- Software version
 • wlan0 -> get hardware
wlan0 -> get hardware
wlan0 revisions: mac 11.0 phy 4.8 analog 7.0
  PCI Vendor ID: 0x168c, Device ID: 0x13
  Sub Vendor ID: 0x168c, Sub Device ID: 0x13
chip is AR5315
wlan0 -> version
AP software
